Sunday, January 29, 2012

the wrong side of bed

I totally woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. I've in a shitty mood all day, its too hot, I'm too sweaty, I have no money, I'm Hungry, I have stomach ache, I need to pee... I've literally been moaning about something since the moment I got out of bed. This is all because I was woken up super early due to Cystitis (urinary tract infection), I've spent the whole day peeing, wanting to pee, drinking cranberry juice or moaning that I feel too bloated because I've drank too much. I HATE Cystitis!!! Unless you've had it you simply don't understand how uncomfortable it is. My friend Ash in America always looks after me and helps me feel better when I have it normally, I'm sad that she's not here now helping me through. I wish she could just pop over for tea. All this made me miss her even more than usual! What's also annoying is the fact that normally I would just go out and buy some Cystex, which basically relieves the pain and also contains a small amount of antibiotic... this normally gets rid of it if you haven't got it super bad. Well it turns out you can't buy anything like that here, any amount of antibiotic has to be prescribed by a bloody doctor. This is super annoying, when I know exactly what's wrong with me and what I need to fix it. So i resent having to pay someone what I already know.

Anyway I spent the day guzzling cranberry juice sitting in a nice cool pool, which actually aided the Cystitis relief. Beginning to feel better now.