Sunday, January 8, 2012

dream machine

My new car might not be the prettiest car I've had but I'm still super stoked, I feel liberated with my new sense of freedom and exited to think about all the adventures I can go on. Its nice to know I can go where ever when ever I want and also not have to push the shopping cart the entire way home every time we go do a grocey shop. I don't even really know what the car is... its a Ford something, its definitely not a looker, but the engine seemed pretty clean and ran smooth, the tires were almost new and the air con worked so I'm happy! Lets pray this thing runs like a dream

Buying it was also a bit of a mission too, we had to get a taxi there and go to an ATM on route, maxed out our daily withdrawal limits on our cards, had to go back home again, go back to an ATM, realize our international cards didn't work here, got back in the taxi, counted our cash... realized we still didn't have enough cash. When we arrived we just hoped they'd except what we had, thankful they did after a 40 dollar taxi ride.