Last night was no exception on the dream front. It took random to a whole new level. I dreamt that my best friend (Katie) was having a baby and I had to run home so I could help her through skype! The next moment I'm actually with her, while she is trying to give birth in a pile of dirty clothes on the floor. Debbie (Katie's mum) was also there, that was the weirdest thing of all... she had no idea what was going on, she was trying to pull the baby out by its leg. Then when the baby was born she was holding it by its arm like it was a dirty sock, and after all this Katie was saying it wasn't even hers. Such a random dream. Complete mind trip for sure!!
I wonder what dreams mean?? Or why you dream the things you do? Everyone has this random theroy on dreams and what not not but who knows who is really right. All I know for sure is that I have never dreamt something that I haven't already experienced in one way or another, whether it being through really life, an imagination, a story or something I saw in a Movie or on TV.
Anyway... Katie Make sure your not having a baby!