Tuesday, January 31, 2012

over kill

It would be fair to say that I have spent the last 2 days bingeing on really delicious food, thats my defense... it was all very delicious. The more delicious food I have the more I want, its a problem. Last night Errol took me out for a big fat slap up meal, which included breads, starters, mains, desserts and even sides, not forgetting the cocktails too. We had it all. It was soooooo good, I can't even tell you.We had a starter of calamari and tempura soft shell crab, both were utterly divine... the soft shell crab surprisingly good indeed, I'd have it again tomorrow. Then for main we had a plate of garlic yabbies (more meaty fresh water shrimp) on rice, this was super nice and we also had a hot and cold seafood platter. This was quite the feast. It had everything, calamari, mud crab, tiger prawns, yabbies, barramundi , mussels, oysters, bugs (a small lobster local to here) and scallops as well as a selection of tropical fruits, salad leaves and chips. Words cannot describe how good this was, I'm not usually a big seafood girl... but this well and truly converted me. Everything was cooked to perfection. If all this wasn't enough we even opted to go for a sharer dessert too. I wouldn't be lying if I said I struggled to move after I left. I didn't feel guilty one little bit though. It was well worth it!

Anyways today I thought I'd take it easy on the eating front, which I did until dinner time. I had a nice easy breakfast of egg yoke on toast. I don't like the egg white and I hate having to wait for a whole egg to boil so I've just started poaching just the yoke and then when its half cooked spreading it on toast... delicious. Just like dippy eggs or eggs and soldiers without the dipping part. Most people think this weird, I do realize. But its not weird, just clever. Thats what I say.

Today we decided to finally head up to the village in the hills called Kuranda, we've all heard loads of hype about it. Apparently its suppose to be a hippy mecca of Queensland and what not as well as having loads of cool interesting little cafes and restaurants around. Well. We got there and actually thought I'd arrived in the wrong place. The place was dead, most of it had been shut down or had closed, it was basically a selection of dodgy looking markets, stalls, shops and horrible smelling chinese restaurants. Nothing that was sold there anyone really wanted and definitely didn't need. Strange. There was one OK shop, that Errol bought a walling hanging/bed throw from, its pretty cool. Thats about it though. I guess it did get us out the house for a few hours. The most disappointing thing of all was that we forgot the camera. The view from the hill on the way to Kuranda over Cairns and the bay was simply sensational. We'll have to go back for a snap on a clear day. We also went to barron falls, which are big water falls into barron gorge that you have to walk too through the rainforest canopy... a few other nice pictures we missed that'll we'll definitely have to go back for.

So we got back in tonight feeling pretty hungry, between the two of us we made an awesome garlic mushroom and prawn white wine sauce pasta with corn on the cob. I was super full after this. A few hours later this had worn off and Errol and I ventured out to go get pudding. A feast is what we returned with. I made the best pudding ever, a hot chocolate muffin with a bar of chocolate melted on top served with super good vanilla ice cream. I definitely felt guilty after this, not to mention the fact I've been stuffing my face with shortbread biscuits here and there. 

Tomorrow will be a better day, no more naughtiness.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

the wrong side of bed

I totally woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. I've in a shitty mood all day, its too hot, I'm too sweaty, I have no money, I'm Hungry, I have stomach ache, I need to pee... I've literally been moaning about something since the moment I got out of bed. This is all because I was woken up super early due to Cystitis (urinary tract infection), I've spent the whole day peeing, wanting to pee, drinking cranberry juice or moaning that I feel too bloated because I've drank too much. I HATE Cystitis!!! Unless you've had it you simply don't understand how uncomfortable it is. My friend Ash in America always looks after me and helps me feel better when I have it normally, I'm sad that she's not here now helping me through. I wish she could just pop over for tea. All this made me miss her even more than usual! What's also annoying is the fact that normally I would just go out and buy some Cystex, which basically relieves the pain and also contains a small amount of antibiotic... this normally gets rid of it if you haven't got it super bad. Well it turns out you can't buy anything like that here, any amount of antibiotic has to be prescribed by a bloody doctor. This is super annoying, when I know exactly what's wrong with me and what I need to fix it. So i resent having to pay someone what I already know.

Anyway I spent the day guzzling cranberry juice sitting in a nice cool pool, which actually aided the Cystitis relief. Beginning to feel better now.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I bit the bullet

I was a little concerned about going to work today, I knew they'd be annoyed with me for handing in my notice. I was right. My manager was pissed! It made it worse that I said I wasn't able to work past this Sunday, so I pretty much gave him no notice. One more day left and I'm off for 2 days and then I start my new job at Dundees on the water front, a fancy seafood restaurant thats on the pier. Its so chilled and relaxed there, including all the staff and the best thing of all is that the pay is $8 an hour better than Villa Romana... making it $23 an hour and on Saturday and Sundays I get paid extra for it being a weekend. Good deal I think!

www.dundees.com.au - check it out!

Friday, January 27, 2012

my 2 nd Sushi attempt

It seems I'm getting better at making homemade sushi. I was so stoked with effort. Made a range of shrimp, crab, lobster, salmon, avocado and cucumber rolls.
lobster avocado and cucumber

All 5 rolls

Meg doing her part

shrimp, avo cream cheese roll and a spicy mixed seafood, cream cheese and cumber roll

salmon, cream cheese, sesame seed and cucumber roll and a tempura shrimp and avocado roll

the mess that was left after


Obviously Australia Day is Australia's national holiday celebrating the liberation of Australia. Basically everyone has the day off work and eats and drinks too much. I thought it was only polite to get involved. Get involved is what I did.

Everyone looking pretty merry

my new drinking contraption... a jar

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

unsuccessful adventure

Today was such a random day. At 3am this morning, while I was still awake I decided that I didn't want to work at Driftin' anymore. So at 6.15am this morning  I text them and said I wasn't coming in today, anyways later that day I thought I'd get in touch and tell them I didn't want the job anymore. It turns out they beat me too it. They said they found someone else. Eeeek, turns out its not a good idea to call in on your second shift. Does this mean I got fired? I didn't want the job anyway, there business was failing miserably, it was always dead, all the staff spoke next to no English and were all chinese... easily the most boring job in the world, a massive problem when I start at 7am, which made it 10 times worse... I need stimulation at that hour of the day. No biggy I have something else is the pipeline.

Anyways... I went back to sleep until almost noon and decided I wanted to go exploring. We decided we were going to go to Kuranda as per Megan's request. So after we get ourselves together, get ready, pack bags, have breakfast, wait an hour for the camera battery to charge a little, we go to step out the door realize its pissing it down. We umm and ahhh about what to do for another 30 mins and then still decide to go to Kuranda, by this time it is 1.30pm and Megan's bitching and moaning that she needs to be back by 4pm for work, we carry on and go anyway thinking we'll have plenty of time. It turns out Errol gets colossally lost on the way there, almost runs out of fuel too and by now its 2.15pm and we still have 20 mins to go and we're still not there. In the end Megan spits her dummy out big time and decides we're not going and we should just go to lunch at the nearest spot. So thats what we did, and got super soaked in the torrential down poor between the car and the restaurant.

On the way back home we decided to stop by the Cairns Cable park that we've passed by a few times, it looked pretty epic. We all decided that a proper hobby was one of the main things we were missing from life... and taking up wake-boarding again at a cable park was a cheap and easy way to occupy my time. Its like winter time, I have something (snowboarding) that occupies my time and mind and gives me focus and purpose... I just need the same here. The plan is  to purchase my self a season pass to the cable park and become a sick wakeboarder... well we'll see about the sick wakeboarder part. Although I think I'm going to laugh like crazy when Meg gets involved.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

just another day

some not so special palm
Trinity beach

Errol and our part time pet cat

spot the rooster

Random Roosters dotted around the house...

diagnose me

My feet are so good damn sore and nothing I use on them seems to make it better. Help me! I'm forever having foot issues.

come for dinner

I wish everyone was as lovely as my Dad to serve in a restaurant. I've decided 90% of all my guests just aren't friendly at all, in fact most are pretty awkward. Whereas my Dad is a dream to waitresses, he's chatty, super polite, he tips very well for an English man and is just really friendly. Dad come have dinner here, Pleaseeeeee!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

technology management

I'm so bummed out right now. Its a rainy miserable day in Cairns and I don't work until 6 so I thought I'd do something constructive in the mean time. I set about applying for the postgraduate technology management diploma with the open university that I've been planning on doing for the next 6 months... to do something constructive while I'm traveling and get my brain back into learning mode and I thought it be a good step before doing a masters when I get back. Anyway the only thing I didn't research about the course was the cost, I didn't think doing a diploma would break the bank. It turns out it does apparently. I worked out it cost me over £6500 to do a 6 month course. That totally pissed all over my bonfire, I thought I can fund this by myself and I wouldn't have to think about finical support or any of that jazz.

Now what shall I do? I guess I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon researching and figuring out what to do now. note to self. Research thoroughly this time!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

job mission accomplished

I've finally found my second job! I had my trial today and it went pretty well, so i start on Tuesday! Its pretty good actually, its at a super chilled little coffee shop right on the esplanade. It definitely not the best pay but  it doesn't interfere with my other job and the hours are pretty good too, I do 7.30am to 12 pm (2 pm on weekends and when it's busy) which I think is awesome, it gives me a reason to get out of bed and I still have all afternoon to do what I please. Also I won't be doing so many hours that I burn myself out completely... I know thats what my Mum would be thinking.

Actually the best thing of all is probably that the lagoon is directly across the road from me, so I can just finish work throw my bikini on and chill in the sun for the rest of the afternoon.

Happy days!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First homemade sushi attempt

First homemade sushi attempt 

I've been craving sushi so bad since I left Park City but it's just so expensive here, so after chatting with my old japanese house mate I decided to give it ago. I was surprised how easy it was, although it would have been much easier with a rolling mat and a sharp knife.  It tasted pretty good too, the only thing it was really missing was some wasabi and everyone from Park City!! Miss you guys!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

moving / working in Australia

Since I've been here in Australia I've had so many people ask me what you need to do to move to Australia and be able to work there. So I thought I'd put together a simple guide/list of what to do or things I did or things I would do differently.

1. Getting your Visa! 
So the first port of call is to get your visa, its obviously important to do this before anything else... without the visa the rest is pointless. The working holiday visa is the visa I got. It allows you to work anywhere in Australia, but you can only work with each employer for up to 6 months, and the visa is 12 months. This is extendable for up to 2 years, but that requires you to do 3 months 'farm' work before the end of your 12 months. The visa is super easy to get too, it takes 15 minutes to complete the application online, costs $140 and my visa approval came through within 12 hours. I've heard that it can take up to 14 days, in rare cases though. When applying for the visa they do state that your required to have $5000 AUS in your bank account, I didn't and they didn't check... I've never actually heard of a case of them checking.

The site:
http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/working-holiday.htm - click on the first link in the table (first working holiday visa)

2. Where?
Next you need to decide exactly where in Australia you want to go. Australia is the worlds largest island, so it varies a lot from places to place. Obviously the further north you go the hotter it is and also they have more rain during the summer. Whether you want to be in the city or if the outback is more your thing. The type of work you want to do will also need to be considered. I was originally heading to Perth, its a big busy city, wages are much higher there (around $25 and hour to work on a bar), although its more expensive to live there, in the end I decided against it. I heard the backpacker area was super grotty, it was impossible to get around Perth without a car and just wasn't that chilled out there. A friend of mine recommended Cairns to me, she said it was super chilled out, beautiful, cheap to live, lots of work and although it is a city it still has that small town vibe about it. She was right, I love it here.

So do your research first, ask friends who have already travelled around... if they are your friends then you'll probably have similar opinions on places. Also use the ye old faithful lonely planet guide too, I've always found the info on there pretty consistent.


3. Flights
Now its time to book your flight. Always shop around for flights, there are so many comparisons sites out there. I find a lot of people I know have used sta travel to book their flights and pretty much always they realized that they paid well over the odds. My all time favorite is www.lastminute.com, I pretty much book 95% of my flights through there. I like the fact that you can select flexible flight dates, so it shows you the cheapest combination of flights over a 7 day period. It also searches pretty much all the airline companies too, you seem to get a discount with booking through lastminute too as I can never find flights as cheap directly with the airline itself.

Remember to check flight time and stops too as the cheapest flight isn't always the best option, I've been lumbered with 12 hour waiting times between connections in the past just to save an extra thirty quid. Hardly worth it. You might also find that its more cost effective to book a return flight, even though you have no idea when your returning. 90% of the time return flights are cheaper and you can change the return date usually for as little as $50. I've done it on more 3 occasions when traveling in America.

4. Travel Insurance
A lot of people choose to travel without insurance, in my book its a big no no. Firstly I just like knowing that I have it there to fall back on if anything goes wrong. Also its good to cover the cost of your flights and initial bookings, you never know what might happen between the time you book your flight and you actually leaving. I have to admit I do get sick quite a lot, this winter I spent over $700 on medical bills in just 3 weeks and thanks to my insurance I managed to get most of that back. You'll be surprised how quickly medical bills can add up when your outside the UK and the protection of the NHS. For example a 20 minute ride in an air ambulance can set you can up to $12,000 and in some cases they'll refuse you treatment without insurance.

There are heaps of travel insurance companies out there, all offering different things. Be sure to find out that insurance you select covers you for a working holiday. A lot people again use sta travel to book insurance with, but again I still think you pay well over the odds... when I looked on their site to find a comparison again my first quote is almost double.

I've always used www.aceinsure.com, they have always given the best price. They cover you for working holidays and winter sports and give full medical cover too. They don't cover valuables such as laptops and anything over the value of £250 but if somethings worth that much I'd suggest having insured separately anyway. The other great thing about Ace Insure is that you can extend your insurance while your on your trip for up to another 6 months, or if in the sad case you decide to come home early you can be refunded the difference.

5. Accommodation
Its definitely worth sorting out a place to stay for at least the first 2 or 3 nights, this gives you chance to get to know a place and figure out the next step and at least if you only book a few nights, if you hate where you've flown into you can move onto some place new without loosing out. The great thing about Australia is that there are Hostels EVERYWHERE. The hostels here also range in price and quality for there is something for every expectation and budget. Moving into a hostel is also a great way of meeting new people too. There are so many ways to book hostels and find the, www.hostelworld.com is a good one.

If you plan on staying in a place and working for a while then share houses are definitely the way to go. They usually work out cheaper than a hostel in the long run and you live with people that are doing the same thing as you. www.cairns-sharehouse.com.au and www.redkeyhostel.com.au are both great share houses. Also another fab thing about share houses is that your only usually required to give 2 weeks notice. There are cheaper and more permanent rentals around but you'd have to go to a realtor and sign a 3-6 month lease term... but they are usually much cheaper, so if you plan on staying in a spot for a while its sometimes worth doing. Bare in mind you do need a steady job to be able to sign on a leased room though.

6. Banking
It makes life so much easier setting up a bank account before you leave home. Its one less thing to do when you arrive. I'd leave 2-3 weeks before you fly to apply for a bank account, it takes 15 minutes to do online and they generally call you back within 3-5 days, discuss what you've applied for, verify you exists and then email you all your account info and then all you have to do when you arrive is pick up your card from a selected branch, it takes up to 2 weeks for your card to arrive at the branch. Piece of cake. Also setting up an account in advance means you can wire your funds to an Australia account before you arrive and not have to worry about carrying around too much cash or travelers cheques.

The common wealth bank offers the best services and accounts that are free, also super easy to set up.


www.westpac.com.au is another good one too.

7. Work/Jobs
I found it was much easier to sort a job out once I was here, especially if your only looking to do hospitality or tourism work. Just walk around and hand your CV into all the places you fancy working (be sure to print off heaps of CV's before you come out here, I've spent a small fortune on printing CV's), its also good to have a picture of yourself on your CV too. You can look at the local newspaper too, there are heaps of job listings in the paper that can't be found on the internet.

If your planning to do something a little more specific like farm work or a mining work there is plenty of opportunity to organize that before you arrive, www.gumtree.com.au has hundreds of farm listings daily or http://www.jobs4travellers.com.au/ has too.

If you wanted to work in hospitality and tourism but at a major world renowned resorts its definitely better to do that well in advance. All this can be done on their websites. Heres a few pretty nice resorts on the great barrier reef:


www.seek.com.au is just a standard job site, but if your planning on being in the more metropolitan areas lots of hospitably jobs pop up on here.

I'd recommend doing your RSA (responsible service of Alcohol) certificate, even if you don't plan on serving food and drinks you can always fall back on it if needs be. There are heaps of hospitality jobs. It takes up to 4 hours so I'd do it at home while you having nothing exciting and new to do. There are loads of sites you can do your RSA on, this is the one I used... http://www.aveling.com.au/hospitality-courses/responsible-service-of-alcohol-rsa-course-wa.htm, Remember though your RSA is only specific to a state.

You also need to get a tax file number, which is kind of like the English national Insurance number. If you don't then it means your set to get taxed 49% of your wages. Employers allow you 4 weeks to get your tax file number. You can't really apply for your tax file number until your in Australia as you need an Australian address to have it posted too. It takes just 5 minutes to do it on this site, https://iar.ato.gov.au/iarweb/default.aspx?pid=4&sid=1&outcome=1 or you can call.

8. Getting here/everything else
Make sure you pack light, most of what you bring you probably won't use so just bring bare essentials. Remember you have to travel and move around with it too, I've been carting around a snowboard bag - absolute nightmare! I would recommend bringing as many of your toiletries and make up from home as possible, that stuff here will cost you a small fortune. Especially sunscreen. Print all your travel docs off, return flights if you have them, insurance, accommodation and what not... I got quizzed in Immigration for well over and hour this year in the US for something that could have all be solved if I had just printed off my documents.

Also ensure you have enough money to last you long enough to find a job, remember when you arrive somewhere new you always want to live it up for a week or two and do all the touristy stuff too so have enough cash to do all that too. Around $2K would probably be enough if your planning on starting work fairly immediately (within 2-3 weeks).

So thats a basic guide to getting yourself kind of set up here. Everything else falls into place and makes more sense when you arrive here!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

job seeking

The last few weeks I have spent looking for a second job (morning/daytime work), its proving pretty difficult. I do quite like my job at villa romana, I'm settled, I know what I'm doing and everyones pretty friendly. The thing is, is that its only 25 hours a week, and thats 6 days. Ideally I want to find more hours during the day some place else and just do 5 nights a week at villa romana. I find so many places I'd love to work, like the gorgeous little spot called al porto right on the water front and when i rock up with my CV it turns out they've always just hired someone. I need to up my game, its just super quiet here right now. There are loads of evening jobs, but I already have one.

I wanna work here

The main thing is is that I don't really need a second job for the money, because  I get by easy on what I earn. I just want to be able to save a good amount of cash and also I want a little more structure to my days, chilling in bed until 11/12 o clock is becoming far too easy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

sleeping dreams

I've always been a pretty crazy sleeper, always sleep walked, always talked a lot and I've always had very vivid dreams. Coming to Australia has just seemed to amplify this I pretty much have the most random dream every single night. I've even had night terrors here, I've woke Errol up by scratching at the wall and on a nightly basis I have a good chat in my sleep. So random. I'm not entirely sure why, the only reason I can think of is all the cheese I have been eating... but its not that much more than normal.

Last night was no exception on the dream front. It took random to a whole new level. I dreamt that my best friend (Katie) was having a baby and I had to run home so I could help her through skype! The next moment I'm actually with her, while she is trying to give birth in a pile of dirty clothes on the floor. Debbie (Katie's mum) was also there, that was the weirdest thing of all... she had no idea what was going on, she was trying to pull the baby out by its leg. Then when the baby was born she was holding it by its arm like it was a dirty sock, and after all this Katie was saying it wasn't even hers. Such a random dream. Complete mind trip for sure!!

I wonder what dreams mean?? Or why you dream the things you do? Everyone has this random theroy on dreams and what not not but who knows who is really right. All I know for sure is that I have never dreamt something that I haven't already experienced in one way or another, whether it being through really life, an imagination, a story or something I saw in a Movie or on TV.

Anyway... Katie Make sure your not having a baby!

green island adventure

Meg trying not to break the tree
Bird chillin

Green Island in all its glory

Lizzy and Meg "yoga" session...

Life guard loving life

TURTLE!!! ...so stoked to see this!!!

las chicas

Picture perfect postcard - Chinese doing there thing?? (loved this shot)

Meg and I rocking our snorkeling gear

bloody tree huggers 

The perfect green island postcard

Figuring out life

Another bloody tree hugger

Today was an epic day. Literally the most fun I've had since I've been here, first thing this morning we jumped on a boat to green island with sun screen at the ready. It was a picture perfect day. I loved it. The first step off the ship we saw a turtle swimming along... that was so cool, wish I could have seen it snorkeling. Snorkeling itself was probably the funniest part of the day, Meg and I were super scared about the Jelly fish but we had full body suits so we were ok.... as soon as we got in the ocean and snorkeled for about 2 mins both Meg and I saw Jelly fish and pretty much had a panic attack at the same time and literally were screaming under water and crawling over each other to swim back to shore. It was so hilarious, and slowly we realized it was the jelly fish you couldn't see that you should be worried about. To be honest though snorkeling with Megan was a funny experience in itself... she's just hilarious to watch, I almost drowned laughing at her.

Later on we went for lunch and a bird jumped in Meg's plate and just sat there, she was so shocked she did nothing... it sat there for so long. She looked like the world had come to an end. I have giggled and grind so much today, Green island was amazing, the coral not so impressive but I'm sure I'll have chance to see some great coral reef before I leave. 

An amazing day. Thank Errol, Megan and Lou. Tonight's Mexican and Margaritas have been pretty sweet too.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

a day chillin

laying out by a lagoon we found

stroll on the beach

escape from the sun

Megan and I

Bloody jelly fish

crowd gathering to see the jelly fish, after a lady was stung

Palm Cove

A quick dip in the netted area


beautiful day

Monday, January 9, 2012

its gonna be a long night...

So I was literally just tidying my room, folding some clothes up... and guess what runs across my bed... a bloody cockroach. Ugh!! I tried my best not to scream but a little yelp definitely came out. Aww man and now I can't find the sodding thing, and I know its in here somewhere. I won't rest until I find it, if it takes until dawn then so be it. :-(

Sunday, January 8, 2012

nom nom nom

pesto pasta and greek salad...

My new favorite dinner, Greek salad and pesto pasta. I must have eaten this every other day since I arrived here. Its just so good. Its also too hot and stuffy here to want to eat hot food, so this fits the bill perfectly. I'm feeling so much more healthier since I've been here... thats probably to do with the fact we've been walking almost 4 miles a day.

a widow to a game

Errol decided to get himself a play station the other day, no big deal, but now its his new favorite past time. He even convinced me to buy him his game!? I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking??

He wasn't even interested in video games until he was stuck in Kilham with nothing to entertain himself with except Marks PS3... so I blame you Mark, Thanks! The funniest thing is, is that Errol doesn't even play call of duty here, apparently the TV isn't HD so the quality isn't good enough to play on. Typical.

my humble abode

My new pad for at least the next 3 months. It was a steel, only $70 a week each! Its pretty nice inside too, and we even have a cleaner.

dream machine

My new car might not be the prettiest car I've had but I'm still super stoked, I feel liberated with my new sense of freedom and exited to think about all the adventures I can go on. Its nice to know I can go where ever when ever I want and also not have to push the shopping cart the entire way home every time we go do a grocey shop. I don't even really know what the car is... its a Ford something, its definitely not a looker, but the engine seemed pretty clean and ran smooth, the tires were almost new and the air con worked so I'm happy! Lets pray this thing runs like a dream

Buying it was also a bit of a mission too, we had to get a taxi there and go to an ATM on route, maxed out our daily withdrawal limits on our cards, had to go back home again, go back to an ATM, realize our international cards didn't work here, got back in the taxi, counted our cash... realized we still didn't have enough cash. When we arrived we just hoped they'd except what we had, thankful they did after a 40 dollar taxi ride.