Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ruder than rude

I know I'm in Cairns and I should be blogging about how amazing it is and what not, but you know how it goes people always have to share the bad stuff... and so far I haven't done anything amazing yet, just doing the boring stuff, searching for a job, looking for a house, sorting banks out and getting to know the area and what not. Its also been pretty wet and miserable everyday we've been here, which i guess is to be expected considering it is the wet season... although today we were lucky and it was sunny, I wasn't out for long and now I'm pretty pink to say the least... its true what they say, the sun is super strong here!

Now for what I really started blogging about; the bad stuff! Today I met easily the rudest person I have EVER met! She was literally so rude I could barely even tolerate her, for those of you who know me well, you will know that my tolerance levels are pretty low at the best of times and when I'm agitated I get severely annoyed quickly. My mood deteriorated rapidly and considering how we were her customers and source of income her manners didn't improve at any point. I was literally taken back, she talked at us and not too us, she was arrogant, unhelpful, she tried to tell us what we wanted, never said please nor thank you and then to top it all off we had to witness her having an argument with other customers and ironically her calling them rude. The whole experience was unbelievable. Words cannot describe this woman, she definitely does not deserve to have a business.

Rant over. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a more uplifting post.

Finishing on a positive note... Errol has a job and starts tomorrow.