Since I was 18 years old I have packed up my life at least every 6 months, either to go home or go back to uni, or go snowboard for the winter, work in the desert, or move to Australia... it doesn't really bother me that much to be honest. I do really like traveling and meeting new people and at least with moving on every 6 months you never get super bored of a place, so I guess you kind of always leave with pretty fond memories. The thing is, is yes I do love to travel and see new things, but I am no backpacker. Thats for sure. The fact of the matter is that I am a terrible backpacker, I am completely incapable of traveling lightly, I hate staying in a 'dive' as such, I'm not a huge fan of shared bathrooms, I like camping but I have to have ALL of the correct camping gear... and if thats the case I wonder why I didn't just stay in a hotel. I love to eat out for dinner and experience local cuisine... a ramen (25 cents noodle) diet just doesn't cut it.
Sometimes I wish I could just do the whole backpacker, I know for sure my bank balance would be far healthier. Well however you travel, whether your a backpacker, or like me or even at the far end of the scale and are addicted to 5* resorts I hope 2012 brings you all the adventures around the world you dream of... My dream for 2012 is that I get to settle some place lovely for at least a year.