Thursday, March 22, 2012

Josephine Falls

The last two days have been awesome, the sun finally came out. We've been trying to make a trip to Josephine Falls for weeks now, but the opportunity hasn't come up... mainly because of the rain. Josephine falls was only an hours drive south of Cairns and it was a super nice drive too, you could see how much the area had been flooded over the last few weeks just from the insane amount of rain there has been here lately. I was slightly worried that it might be one of those places that there's loads of hype about and really nothing to see, but it wasn't that at all. The water there was crystal clear, the water falls were super wide and impressive too and the best thing was that there wasn't heaps of people spoiling it either. Such a sweet day. Another really cool thing was that in the slow moving water pools around the edges there was heaps of Yabbies (which are basically fresh water shrimp), the boys tried there hardest to catch a few but for now the Yabbies were lucky. Next time we intend to go back with a net and a bbq, with garlic butter at the ready. It'll be delicious!

The light was super bad, so most of the pics didn't turn out too great...

A stink bug, apparently they smell like coriander?

Tim and George

Tim just assessing the pool

Flowing water

Another shot of up river

Josephine falls

Down stream

Me and the boys trying to catch the Yabbies

The biggest spider I have ever seen, way up in the trees, easily bigger than my hand.

An disused industrial area we spotted on the way home

Monday, March 19, 2012

I miss him

Jethro Chilling in the sunshine, wish I could give him a cuddle

...and so the rain continues

I feel like my life has been put on hold over the last 3 weeks, literally all it has done here is rain, rain and rain some more. Its making me depressed, I feel like I have not seen the sun in so long. The worst thing about it being cloudy and raining al the time is that it makes it super muggy and unbearable. Its fair to say I have never ever seen rain like this before, it definitely rains in England but not like here, here it torrential down pours for hours even days on end, its crazy. Today we had to park the car on a bank as our whole drive way and most of the street is under water, I've seen plenty of cars today that are almost stranded in the huge puddles. Absolute nightmare! Apparently we're on the edge of a cyclone, eek! Watch this space

Monday, March 12, 2012

another wet day

Its my day off and we were suppose to be going on a waterfall adventure... but yet again its totally pissing it down. Ugh! I feel like its rained solidly for the last 3 weeks! What's worse is that its my only day off, what shall I do? I'm tempted to go to the rainforest atrium on top of the casino... its in doors!

For my Dad

I saw this and instantly thought of my Dad and Jethro (our Dog), I thought he'd appreciate this alot!

the Sunday sessions!

Some of my work crew
Apparently Sunday is the new Saturday for me and my work mates, its becoming a tradition. Finished work last night, got changed, drank a bottle of wine whilst waiting for everyone else to close and finish up and hit the town. Pretty epic night, I had a lot of fun! What was best is that I was so wasted that I forgot it all, I remember the whole night! I'm super stoked about everyone I work with too, they're all so awesome! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

cable park March 5th

For Errol's birthday a few of us decided to go wake boarding at the Cairns Cable park. What an awesome day! I was a little nervous as in the past every time I've been to a cable park I've struggled massively. This time I had no troubles whatsoever and popped up first time, even the boys bailed first time. So I was pretty chuffed with myself. We did this on Monday and today its Thursday and my body is still feeling super sore! I want to go again though, very soon!
George and I , he must have been talking stupid... looks like I wanna punch him
Waiting nervously for my turn
Me getting up first time,  even the boys fell first 
Errol killing it on the box
View across the lake
Lily pads
Dragon flies making out 
The Birthday boy looking rather stoked with himself



Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Means War

It rained again today, so instead of stay in we decided to go to the cinema. This was such a chick flick and I loved it. Just what I needed. A good watch!

Monday, February 27, 2012

nothing to say

I've had a clear absence of blogging lately and this I am blaming on the rain! The weather has been super bad this last week and as a result I've done nothing interesting to blog about. All I have done is visit the Lagoon once this week and the rest of time I've either been eating, sleeping, watching movies and I've had a few productive days which I have sorted out my tax and bank situation and what not.

Last night I did manage to loose half the contents of my purse, which is super annoying! I'm not sure how I did really but I have a feeling that they might of dropped down the drain, so now I have no American bank card, no virgin credit card, no Arizona I.D. and no English drivers license. Super annoying, I've spent the day calling banks and trying to retrace my steps. The most annoying thing of all is that usually I only have one bank card in my purse and just my drivers license. Typical!

4th time lucky?

I'm now on job number 4 and I think this might actually be my final job in Cairns. I'm really happy with this one. Its exactly what I was looking for, I work with an awesome group of people, the pays great (I'll be bringing over $800 a week home), I get plenty of hours and to top it off I get a meal a day too and my managers are all really nice. I'm a happy girl!

If your ever in Cairns, pop by and see me at the Water bar and grill. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

its a small world

So I've started another job but thats another story and I'll blog about it when I'm there longer than 2 weeks. Anyways I went out on Thursday and it was a typical Lizzy drunken night, lots of shenanigans and not a lot of memories... It turns out I met a girl I was going to be working with at the new place, great way to make a first impression... wasted!!! Got into work, some random chick was like 'Hi Lizzy' and I thought to myself  'Oh dear Lord, where do i recognize you from??' slowly all came back to me. I was so embarrassed, what's worse is my friend Jemma had witnessed the whole event and forgot to mention it.

Back to my point, the weirdest thing of al is that this girl (Belinda) literally lives down the road from me, she's from Bridlington. So random. She's like the nicest person in the world too. I'm pretty chuffed to have a home girl on the team. What a small world. To throw another weird one in there too. My new manager went to the same High school as Errol in South Africa. What a coincidence.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

happy pancake day

Happy pancake day! Or shrove Tuesday to the rest! It turns out that I'm shit at making pancakes... which was kind of a surprise since I'm actually a pretty good cook. I failed miserably, my first few attempts ended up on the floor... in the end I ate an American style pancake. So it wasn't a real true style English pancake day sadly. Good fun all the same though.
Pancake Mix 
Errol's mad flipping skills
Mmmm Maple syrup 
Me looking like a simpleton and failing miserably at flipping my pancake
Fail number 1
Fail number 2
3rd attempt - Result!

Monday, February 20, 2012

the bravest girl i know

Katie Drury: The Bravest girl I know.

I was thinking about it the other day and I've realized I've never done anything brave ever. I know you could count doing daft things on a snowboard or things for adrenaline as being brave, but thats not really brave in the true sense of the word. My Mum was talking about it the other day and she was totally right, Katie is super brave. She's done so many things, like she went to India all alone to work in a hospital, she travels all around the world alone most of the time too. Katie's latest brave act was moving all the way to Spain by herself to work in a Hospital without being really able to string a sentence together in Spanish... pretty ballsy if you ask me.

I wonder to myself will I ever do anything brave or has my time past? I know I've moved to different places and travelled around but I've always done it with someone by my side. I have to ask my self the question, would I have done all the thing I've done if I had to do it alone? I'd like to say I would have, but really I'm not sure.

Friday, February 17, 2012

A day at the Zoo

Some rare big bird
Parrot Love 
Koala Love
Koala Chilling Hard
Its the Lizard from the rescue rangers down under 
Feeding a roo
Loving the baby kangaroo
Hiding Crocodile
a kookaburra 
my official cuddly koala photo